Senshi of Heat and sun

Name: Nikko

Birthdate: March 15

Age: 15

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5'4"

Fave Food: Ramen

Least Fave Food: Mushrooms

Likes: Toys, food, comic books

Dislikes: ugly things, anything that crawls or has scales

Best Subject: Japanese

Worst Subject: Science

Codename: Solaris

Powers: Heat Wave, Solaris Sunfire(Transformation)

Fuku: Yellow top with pale orange transparent straps, yellow skirt connected to top with a sun, orange flats, yellow gloves with orange zigzag edges.

Other: Powers based on the sun and heat. Little known about her past at this point. Of all Pheonix's senshi, Solaris is the one with the most attitude. And she's definitely the most stubborn. If she doesn't want to do something she will NOT do it. However, she has a soft spot, and is generally a nice person. She loves to talk and often says too much when something isn't to be said.

"Um...did I say that out loud?"

Created By: VenusStars
Voice done by:

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