The Hunter

Name: Sieji

Birthdate: April 21

Age: 17

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue-green

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 175

Fave food: Pizza

Least fave food: None

Likes: Archery, swordplay, fighting, video games

Dislikes: excessive violence (like going overboard..)

Code Name: Orion

Powers: sword and arrow attacks

Fuku: Dark green shirt with a single black stripe on the sleeve edges and the collar, shirt slightly open on top and tied together with brown string, black pants with single hunter green stripe on leg bottoms, black boots, black belt with silver buckle, brown leather arrow holder on his back and brown leather sword sheath at his side. Uses arrow & bow, and sword.

Other: Originally from Japan, like all the Time Bomb Warriors (except Pheonix and Aquarius). He visits America freqently, which is how he met the twins. His father abandoned him when he was little, and his mother died soon after, so he pretty much raised himself, and later, his past comes back to haunt him. He dates Alisha, despite her brother's and father's disapproval. He is generally a kind person, but when someone threatens those he cares for he can be a very bad person to mess with..he's quite strong. He also tends to be pretty smug, and maybe slightly egotistical. More is revealed on him later.

"Ready to give up? No? That's too bad...for you."

Created by: VenusStars.
Voice done by: YOU?

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